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Photoshop Project 10: Create A Simple Website Layout
In this project we use the rectangle and rounded rectangle shapes to create a simple website layout. This includes a header, hero image and four featured images. We then add images using the clipping mask tool so that they fit nicely within the shapes / layout that we have designed.

Photoshop Project 11: Design A Flat Illustration
This example uses various Photoshop shapes and effects to create a flat illustration.

Photoshop Project 14: Gold Text Effect
This text effect uses various Layer Styles including: Color Overlay; Inner Glow; Inner Shadow; Drop Shadow; Stroke; Bevel & Emboss; and Gradient Overlay.

Photography Session 1: Photography Workshop With The Adelaide Digital Photography Meet-Up Group
Very excited to have completed my first photography workshop with the Adelaide Digital Photography Meet-Up Group! I now know about stuff like aperture, shutter speed and ISO… so can finally move away from using the camera’s automatic settings haha. Also, my camera is too old ? Thanks to Colin and Jessica for their kind support….

Photoshop Project 9: Creating New Shapes Using The Pen Tool
[siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Image”][/siteorigin_widget] In this project we create some shapes and then customise them using the direct selection and pen tools. Shape 1: A square with a duplicated square on top of it. Use the free transform tool to rotate the second square by 45 degrees. Use the direct selection tool and set a radius to…

Photoshop Project 3: Combine Two Images With Layer Masks
[siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Image”][/siteorigin_widget] This project demonstrates how to combine elements from two different images into one. First we start by combing both images onto one PSD file. Then we enable a mask on the top layer and use the brush to get rid of the sky from one image and use the sky for the other….