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Photoshop Project 14: Gold Text Effect
This text effect uses various Layer Styles including: Color Overlay; Inner Glow; Inner Shadow; Drop Shadow; Stroke; Bevel & Emboss; and Gradient Overlay.
Photoshop Project 11: Design A Flat Illustration
This example uses various Photoshop shapes and effects to create a flat illustration.
Photoshop Project 2: Softening Skin Imperfections
[siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Image”][/siteorigin_widget] This project demonstrates how to soften skin imperfections. First we start by softening the light and opacity of the image. Then we apply a surface blur and use the brush tool to bring back the details. [siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Custom_HTML”][/siteorigin_widget]
Photoshop Project 6: Remove Background
[siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Image”][/siteorigin_widget] In this project we take a photo of a football, remove the background, add a shadow and apply a vignette effect. Use the quick selection tool to apply a selection around the ball. Create a layer mask and then use the pen tool to select the area underneath the ball. Use the paint…
Photoshop Project 13: Create Neon Text Effect
This text uses various two Adjustment Layers – Hue & Saturation and Brightness & Contrast. The background also uses a Camera Raw Filter. Text effects include a Stroke, Inner Shadow, Inner Glow, Drop Shadow and also a Soft Light for some background glow.
Photoshop Project 9: Creating New Shapes Using The Pen Tool
[siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Image”][/siteorigin_widget] In this project we create some shapes and then customise them using the direct selection and pen tools. Shape 1: A square with a duplicated square on top of it. Use the free transform tool to rotate the second square by 45 degrees. Use the direct selection tool and set a radius to…